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Your Priorities Update

It's been a few months since you voted to fund seven great ideas from seven local people. So where are we now? What's happened since the vote?

Developing, designing and delivering new projects isn't a quick process and through Your Priorities we wanted to make sure that the ideas you chose to fund benefit from a) lots of community insight and experience and b) capacity building support to make sure the ideas are successful and sustainable!

At the moment we are working on four of the seven ideas you voted to fund; read on to find out what's been going on!

Gorbals Community Pantry

The Gorbals Community Pantry now has a great group of local people working together to bring this idea to the Gorbals. We've been looking at what else is available in the community, how other Community Pantries operate and how we might compliment what is already happening across the community.

We meet every two weeks, with our next meeting taking place on Tuesday 28 February at 6pm in New Gorbals Housing Association. Feel free to come along!

Gorbals Community Football

The Gorbals Community Football project now has a small Management Committee of local people who are laying the foundations to bring accessible and fun football sessions to Gorbals children and young people.

If you would like to get involved drop us an email at

Gorbals Art Group

The Gorbals Art Group will bring art classes to the Gorbals for experienced artists and folk new to easels and brushes. There are four local people involved in making this idea a reality. At the moment they are discussing things like, when and where the sessions might be, the group are holding two taster sessions to get your feedback, so why not come along?

  • Taster Session 1: Friday 10 March 12pm to 2pm

  • Taster Session 2: Monday 13 March 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Sanctuary Gardens & Growing Spaces

We're just setting up this group, so if you are interested in how vacant spaces could be better used to provide outdoor sanctuary spaces or to grow food and flowers drop us an email at and share your ideas!

We have a lot of work to be getting on with, so if you think you could help design, develop and deliver any of the ideas above be sure to drop us an email or call Jo on 0141 429 3900.


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