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Your Priorities Are...

Between 1 October 2022 and 29 October 2022 we invited local Gorbals people aged 8+ to decide how £60,000 would be used to support ideas created and developed by people who live in the Gorbals.

There were 10 ideas totalling £100,450.00 looking for support, with ideas focusing on important issues such as tackling social isolation and loneliness, improving mental and physical health and well-being or addressing physical improvements to our community, difficult choices had to be made.

When voting closed on Saturday 29 October a total of 526 people had voted,

that's around 7% of everyone eligible to take part, with seven ideas receiving funds.

This way of funding things is known globally as Participatory Budgeting and it is designed to make sure people who live in communities have more control over what happens in the place they live.

As with all models of funding not everything can be successful and we know that you may be disappointed to see the idea you felt most connected to isn't on the list of funded projects. Every idea received high levels of support from the community and we are committed to finding other ways to support these ideas in the future.

Over the coming weeks and months we'll be working with the people who raised the successful ideas to make them a reality in our community.

We can't wait to get started.


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