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Your Community, Your Priority

Today, 13 January 2021, marks the launch of our new platform - Your Priorities.

Your Priorities is designed to give everyone in the community a place to share ideas and priorities that they think would improve our community but it's not just about sharing your ideas, with a budget of £60,000 supporting this project, it's about these ideas becoming a reality!

Things have been difficult for everyone over the last two years, so we're inviting ideas that will help people improve their health and well-being, feel happier, better supported and more connected to the community. We're also looking for ideas that make the place we live a healthier place, an area that supports the health and well-being of the people who live here.

Who can take part? Everyone who lives in the Gorbals can take part. It doesn't matter how old you are, or how long you have lived in the Gorbals you're ideas are important!

If you are a local person you can share as many ideas as you like; your idea may be for a brand new project or activity, or it might be about improving the local environment - whatever it is we want to hear about it.

If you are a local group or third sector service you can post ONE idea related to your group or service e.g. you may want to deliver a new activity or develop a new service.

You can take part even if you don't have an idea to share...

Your Priorities is a space to bring us together, where we can connect over issues that really matter to us. If you don't have an idea you can still take part by supporting the ideas and priorities of others, sharing information that might help improve the idea, or sharing your views on what difference the idea or priority would mean to you and your family.

How will ideas and priorities become a reality?

We'll work with ideas and priorities that have the most community support to help cost and develop them, so you don't have to have any experience in developing or delivering activities or projects. The fully developed and costed ideas will then be taken to the whole community for a final community vote in March 2022; the ideas and priorities with the most votes will be funded and delivered in 2022!

More Information

To find out more about Your Priorities click here or sign up to Your Priorities at

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