Gorbals Arts Group
In October 2022 you awarded £5,750.00 to support a new Gorbals Art Group to become established.
After two really successful taster sessions we're delighted that the Gorbals Art Group now has a home at St Francis Centre, 405 Cumberland Street and will meet every Friday from 12noon to 2pm.
The Group is free to attend and open to anyone aged 16+ who lives in the Gorbal, basic art materials (paints, paper, pens, pencils and charcoals) are provided, so you only have to bring yourself.
The Group is open to anyone who is interested in art, it doesn't matter if you are just starting out, or fancy yourself as a bit of a Picasso, this is a place for you to meet like minded people, learn and share skills.
To join pop along to St Francis Centre Friday's at 12noon and get creative.
For more information contact Jo on 0141 429 3900 or email info@gorbalsideas.org.uk.