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A new Gorbals Community Facility

Over the years we've spoken to lots of local people about their priorities for the Gorbals and so often we've been told that the area needs more community spaces.


People seem to want somewhere that can act as a hub, a place they can pop in for a chat and to find out what's going on across the community. Other things high on peoples' list are flexibility and accessibility; a modern space designed to take in to consideration the needs of people with physical or cognitive disabilities, neurodiverse children and adults - a place that everyone from 0 to 100 can use!


At our last Community Vote, in October 2022, we invited people to vote if they were in support of a community campaign to take this issue forward. 66% of voters were. You can read more about it in our blog!


To take action on this issue we're going to build up a picture of what is currently available in the Gorbals, when it's available and how accessible and affordable it is to the community. As part of this work we'll be out and about across the community gathering your thoughts and ideas to help us develop this campaign.


In the meantime, if you are in support of a new Community Facility for the Gorbals, why not sign our pledge: 

I want a new Community Facility for the Gorbals

Thank you!

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